
Bruce Langoulant AM

Bruce has been Chairperson of Meningitis Centre Australia since its inception in 1992. He was invited along with a number of other parents by our Patron Professor Fiona Stanley to assist with starting an awareness group in WA. . Bruce’s daughter Ashleigh contracted Pneumococcal Meningitis at the age of six months in 1989. Now 32 years later he and his family have successfully lobbied for the introduction of several meningitis vaccines on to the National Immunisation Plan including Hib, Meningococcal C and Pneumococcal.

Bruce received an Order of Australia Medal in 2019 for services to the community, health and meningitis awareness and prevention. Bruce is Chairperson of the WA Disability Services Commission Board and a trustee and founding President of The Confederation of Meningitis Organisations LTD UK.

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you suspect meningitis

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