
7 year old Brisbane boy contracts meningococcal

A young Brisbane boy who contracted meningococcal disease was expected to be released from hospital, with health authorities saying it was unlikely he would pass the uncommon and severe infection to others.

The seven-year-old would be discharged from Redcliffe Hospital later on Tuesday.

“This case is likely to be an isolated one and the chance of any further linked cases within the community is very low,” Dr James Smith of the Metro North Health Unit said.

“Although most people who have these bacteria in their throat or nose remain quite well, they are able to spread the bacteria to others, and a few of these people may subsequently become ill.”

About 10 per cent of people carry the bacteria in their throat or nose without any health problems, Dr Smith said.

Teachers and parents of children at the boy’s school were in contact with health authorities.

SOURCE: The Brisbane Times

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